VU and ASWWU Policies

VU and ASWWU Policies

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Associated Students Guiding Documents

ASWWU Constitution

This is the official constitution for the Associated Students of Western Washington University, or ASWWU.

ASWWU Program Standards

The Associated Students of Western Washington University Program Office Standards exist to ensure effective stewardship of the AS mission and emulate the values, best practices, and responsibilities of student employees within AS Program Offices.

Viking Union Guiding Documents

Mission and Philosophy

The Viking Union/Student Activities area is responsible for providing advisement and management services for the Associated Students' governance, programming, human resource, community, legislative and organizational activities; operation of the Viking Union and related satellite facilities; policy advisement of the Cooperative Bookstore; c

Associated Students Governance Documents

ASWWU Charter

The Associated Students of Western Washington University Government Charter (2024)

ASWWU Executive Board Parliamentary Procedures

Description: Covers Parliamentary Procedures and Operational Guidelines for Meetings of the AS Executive Board.

ASWWU Student Senate By-Laws

The purpose of the Student Senate is to serve as a legislative body in coordination with the AS Executive Board (ASEB) on
relevant student issues and ensure representation from all students of Western Washington University.

ASWWU Student Senate Charge and Charter

To serve as a legislative body in coordination with the Associated Students Executive Board (ASEB) on
student issues and to increase student involvement and representation in the Associated Students decision making

Viking Union Organizational Policies

Arts Gallery

Policy for use of the Viking Union Art Gallery

AS Wage Policy

This Policy describes the hourly rate of compensation for all student positions funded by the Associated Students.

ASWWU Motorpool

The AS Motorpool provides Associated Students' programs, support services, organizations, and Viking Union staff access to a variety of vehicles for outdoor recreation trips, cargo hauling, and passenger travel to meetings, conferences, and other events.

ASWWU Reserves

Description: AS Reserve Funds are used for specific purposes as indicated in Defining AS Reserves.
Distributing AS Reserves is the procedure for the yearly distribution by the Business Manager.

ASWWU Travel Policy

This policy provides guidelines for all AS funded travel including conferences, workshops, meetings, club competitions, organization work projects, and transportation for visiting artists and speakers which enhance a particular organization's operations or the AS as a whole.

ASWWU Web Authoring Policy

The Associated Students encourages the use of the World Wide Web and, in particular, web pages to inform members of the Association and its constituents about the activities, services and offices of the AS The purpose of this policy is to clarify the responsibility of the AS Webmaster, and to provide guidance to the Associated Students and its c

Carrying Over ASWWU Funds

Outlines the requirements and procedures for carrying over funds: the orderly transfer of funding from one fiscal year to the next fiscal year. The policy covers all AS budgets.


This conference policy governs all programs, organizations and clubs within the Associated Students that come under the jurisdiction of the Activities Council. It also includes employees and volunteers of the Recycle Center and AS Publicity Center.

Equipment Policy

The Viking Union provides equipment support for a wide variety of activities and events sponsored by University programs, groups and organizations.

Exterior Space Use

This policy is intended to provide for the orderly use of the exterior spaces on the campus of Western Washington University for the organized dissemination of information, production of planned events, and other activities which might have an impact on the normal operation of the University.

Free Admissions

This policy covers the distribution of complimentary and promotional tickets/passes for films, concerts, and all other events sponsored by the Associated Students.


This policy covers the conduct of gambling activities by the Associated Students programs or organizations. These activities may be conducted as fund-raisers or event programs in accordance with the laws and policies of the State of Washington.

KUGS Policies

Policies regarding KUGS FM 89.3 radio station.

Lakewood Watersports Facility

The Lakewood Watersports Facility serves as a center for general recreational use by members of the University community. The facilities and equipment may also be reserved according to the policies listed, provided that such scheduled use does not significantly interfere with open recreational use.

Lost and Found

The Lost and Found is designated as the University's central repository for items found in all campus facilities. Items are forwarded from other University departments and areas on a periodic basis.  Here is the Lostfound App 

Periodical Dispensing Policy

The Viking Union is the community center of the University and as such, provides a forum for diverse thoughts and multiple activities. Periodical dispensing units are provided in key locations within the complex for a variety of publications which are both internally and externally produced.

Program and Services Recognition

The Associated Students of Western Washington University are charged, by the Board of Trustees, with the responsibility for providing a framework for the development of a program of student activities in which student initiative and responsibility may find expression.

Purchasing Food and Beverage Policy

This policy covers the purchase of food, beverages, and related production costs with Associated Students funds in relation to events and activities.

Reservations and Scheduling

The Viking Union is responsible for scheduling all University space for student activities and student organization use, as well as all Viking Union space and equipment.

Viking Union Access Policy

Keys/fobs are issued based on employment responsibilities. The purpose of these policies are to provide access and ensure the security of the facility, its occupants, and its contents.

Viking Union Organizational Procedures

WWU Organizational Policies & Procedures

ASWWU Club Recognition Procedure

This policy outlines the processes and procedures related to becoming a recognized ASWWU Club.

Exterior Space Use / Chalking - Guidelines

The activities listed in these guidelines are subject to the provisions of the Exterior Space Use Policy, Posting Policy, or other scheduling and reservation policies and procedures that might apply depending upon the nature of the request, e.g., Viking Union/Student Activities/ Associated Students Policies and Procedures, WAC 516.

Sales of Goods and Services

The purpose of this policy is to regulate the on-campus sale of goods and services to members of the University community while providing a campus market atmosphere.